Are you looking for a healthy and quality Cane Corso puppy?
Renowned kennel Siesta FCI - 7754 sells Cane Corso puppies
from a combination of:
German Strajano & Cindy Siesta HIP (A) ELBOW (0)
Genotype N/N - Clear
Puppies go to their new home fully vaccinated, cleaned of parasites,
with FCI pedigree.
If you want to learn more about the breed itself, or decide to buy
puppy feel free to contact us:
+381606776778 (Call, Viber, WhatsApp)
Instagram: siestakennel
Facebook: https:// facebook. com/siesta. kennel
Worldwide delivery possible.
Fajta Jellemzők
kapcsolódó hirdetések
Cane Corso
Hungary, Dunavarsány
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