Magyarország, Budapest I. ker.

Swiss White Shepherd puppies.


Kutyák egyéb
FELIR azonosító 00000000


3 Boys And 3 Girls Were Born On 17.06 2024 all without dewclaws
MDR +/+, DM N/N by parentage. It is our fourth litter out of
same combination. First three litters gave us extraordinary
puppies, both in exterior and character, so we made a decision
to repeat the litter, again.. Sir is Aron Lord VHS
(JCH, CH, HD-B, ED-0, MDR +/+, DM N/N) son of Aron: WW,
INTER CH - first in breed history, Multi CH, Grand CH and CH of
reproduction ( HD-B, ED-0, MDR, DM, MH - clear) and Iris od
Bijelih Andela who has 3 generations of WW in her pedigree
Dam is Ana ( BH-VT, JCH, CH, HD-A, ED-0, MDR +/+, DM N/N)
puppies will have FCI export pedigree, pasport, microchipp...

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